Teaching is no longer the same?
……May be COVID-19 or Generative AI Shaped it?
…Well, that may be a part of reality, however, the Big Question is, How do you teach? How do you connect the dots, while you teach?

Fida Hasan’s teaching interest includes (not limited to):
- Fida Hasan’s fundamental interest is teaching broadly in cybersecurity and emerging technologies. In UNSW, Fida Hasan convenes courses and co-teaches as follows:
- ZZCA9202 Data Security and Privacy
- ZZCA9205 Cyber Operations
- Fida Hasan also designed the following courses that are set to be delivered in 2025:
- ZSPS2116 Enterprise Cyber Security Governance and Policy
- ZSPS3116 Cyber Risk Management
- ZSPS2122 Trustworthy AI for Cyber Security
- ZSPS2120 Cyber Security Industry Project
- Fida Hasan has taught and been part of team teaching various units at QUT since 2016-2021, notably the following:
Fida Hasan is also experienced teaching following courses in different universities outside Australia (not all mentioned):
- Cybersecurity Fundamentals
- Threat Modelling
- Mobile Network Engineering
- Internet of Things & Application
- Advanced Networking
- Network Security and Privacy
- Artificial Intelligence
- Emerging Transportation Tech
- Data Communication
- Programming App (C++/Python)
- Cloud Computing and Machine Learning
- Basic and Advanced Electronics
2023 - Present
School of Professional Studies
University of New South Wales, Canberra
2023 - Present
Lecturer in Cybersecurity
2022 - 2023
Information Security Discipline
School of Computer Science
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2022 - 2023
Cyber Security CRC Research Fellow
2021 - 2022
Center for Cyber Security Research
and Innovation (CCSRI)
RMIT University, Victoria, Australia
2021 -2022
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2021 - 2021
School of Computer Science
University of Sunshine Coast, Australia
Lecturer (Unit Coordinator)
Project Management and Organization 95%
Cybersecurity Course/Training Development 80%
2014 - 2021
School of Computer Science
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2018 - 2021
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2013 - 2018
Postgraduate Researcher
Research and Information Management 90%
Project Management and Organization 95%
Writing & Oral Communication 85%
Industry Collaboration 80%
Interpersonal, Leadership & Administrative 85%
2011 - 2014
School of Information and Communication Technology
Comilla University Bangladesh
2012 - 2014
Assistant Professor
2011 - 2012
2011 - 2014
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Bangladesh
2008 - 2011
Software Development 90%
Research & Development 80%
Learning & Teaching 90%
2006 - 2008
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization
Ministry of Defence, Bangladesh
Research Assistant
Software Development 70%
Analysis and Problem Solving 80%
key RESPONSIBILITIES & Achievements
# Research and Innovation
# Security framework Development
# Cyber Security Consultation
#Course Content Designing
# Supervision
# Class-room teaching
# Online teaching and facilitation
Cyber Risk Management 95%
AI Application in Cyber 85%
Course Development and Convening 95%
Innovation in Higher Education 90%
Key Developed Skills
Project Management 95%
Collaboration Extended Bodies 85%
Leadership and Administration 95%
#Threat Intelligence
# Incident Response
# SOC analysis
# Cyber Security Handbook
Cyber Security Analyst 95%
Incident Response 85%
Threat Intelligence 95%
# Unit Co-coordinating
#Course Content Designing
# Project Management
# Unit Co-coordinating
#Academic Supervision
#Subject Area Coordinating
#Course Content Designing
#Conference Organizing, TPC member
#Project Management Officer
#Laboratory Practitioning
#Project Management
#Head, School of ICT
#Staff Recruitment Process
#Course Coordination
#Laboratory Practitioning
#Curriculum Development
#Internal and External Accreditation
Leadership & Scholarship 80%
ICT Infrastructure Development 80%
Web development and management 80%
#Lab Demonstration
#Web Development and Digitalization
#LMS Development and Automation
#Research & Innovation
#Project Management
#Learning and Teaching
Professor Glen Tian
Queensland University of Technology
"One of the best part of Fida is that he can progress even under stressing pressure. I am witness of this two top-tire publication process, he addressed many difficult comments very efficiently. Great Achievement."
Professor Abu Saleh, Vice Chancellor, BUBT
Meherun Nessa, Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), SPARRSO